Croatian Post Launches Cryptocurrency Exchange Services in 55 Offices

Croatian Post has launched cryptocurrency exchange services in 55 offices across Croatia. Local and international tourists can use these exchanges to convert their Bitcoin, Ethereum, Stellar, Ripple, and EOS holdings into the Croatian currency kuna.

This follows a pilot in which Croatian Post collaborated with Electrocoin, a cryptocurrency-brokerage, and cryptocurrency payment processing firm to set up cryptocurrency exchanges in 3 postal offices in the tourist town of Zadar.

Explaining the decision on expanding the cryptocurrency exchange service, Croatian Post said that the use of cryptocurrencies was increasing around the world and tourists were looking for places where they could convert their cryptocurrency holdings into the local currency easily. Thus, providing such exchanges could be useful in making Croatia a preferred tourist destination.

It’s striking that cryptocurrency exchange services are being offered through the postal system and not the banking system. This may be because banks service a lot of customers daily, but with the advent of e-mails and mobile phones, the number of people using postal services has reduced. Thus, helping postal employees learn the skills of servicing cryptocurrency customers can help them keep their jobs and save the government from the unpleasant task of firing them. Also, the widespread infrastructure of the postal system can be put to good use.

Categories: Crypto News
Wayne Clark: Wayne Clark is a financial news writer and an avid trader. He holds masters in language and literature but from the beginning of his news writing career and due to his passion for finance, currently, he contributes in-depth news articles for global finance and economy. For any help from him contact him via email: contact@financenews.tv